Sunday, July 18, 2010

Web Design for Search Engines

Google Classic: Please Allow 30 Days for your Search Results

Search engines are an important and sometimes almost crucially essential source of traffic for many websites. It is becoming difficult for web developers to keep a balance between a user friendly web design and a search engine friendly web design. This key of keeping the balance, guarantees the success of a website in terms of achieving its goals. For many business website clients this goal is to bring more traffic and then ultimately more conversion into satisfied customers.

When designing a search engine friendly website there are a few simple things that can make a website not only search engine friendly but also make them more user centric.

1. Information Rich Quality Content

Web is all about the free content and information that it offers. To make your website more appealing to actual human surfers as well as the search engines it is essential that you offer high quality content on the website. Though, generating content for a website does not come under the job of a website designer. But a good website design can make room for quality content to be presented in a searchable format.

2. Define Your Content

Search engines as well as humans love organized content. This makes browsing easier for human readers and makes it easier for search engines to categorize the content and understand the context. This goal can be achieved by placing right TITLE for each web page created. Also using the headings for different sections of a webpage and using ALT tags for image can define the content to both search engines and human readers.

3. Keep Clutter Away

Search engines use spiders or automated bots to read and index your content. These bots cant actually see how visually pleasant your web design actually is. This leads many web developers to believe that they can create as much mess as they want in order to get more search engine juice. However this totally destroys the balance that you might want to achieve by making your website useful for actual human visitors too. In fact, search engines can sometimes detect bad navigation and poor design techniques and often display better designed websites on top of their results. So keeping your design lean and clean pays off both ways.